base [beɪs] noun BOTTOM 底部 IMPROVER countable ■the bottom part of an object, on which it rests, or the lowest part of something 基底,底座;底层,底部•a crystal glass with a heavy base底部厚重的水晶杯 •At the base of the cliff was a rocky beach.悬崖的下面是布满岩石的海滩。 •This cream provides an excellent base for your make-up (= a good bottom layer on which other layers can be put).这种乳霜化妆打底用效果极好。 [beɪs] noun MAIN PLACE 基地 IMPROVER countable ■the main place where a person lives and works, or a place that a company does business from, or a place where there are military buildings and weapons and where members of the armed forces live 基地;总部•I spend a lot of time in Brussels, but London is still my base.我经常呆在布鲁塞尔,但伦敦仍然是我的基地。 •Nice is an excellent base for (= place to stay when) exploring the French Riviera.尼斯是游览法国海滨渡假胜地的理想去处。 •an old naval/military base旧有的海军/军事基地 [beɪs] noun BASEBALL 棒球 IMPROVER countable ■one of the four positions on a square that a player must reach to score a point in the game of baseball (棒球运动中的)垒 [beɪs] noun NECESSARY PART 基础 countable ■the activity or people from which someone or something gets most of their support, money, etc. 基础,支柱•A strong economy depends on a healthy manufacturing base.强大的经济以健康的制造业为基础。 •We're aiming to expand our customer base.我们正在致力扩展客源。 [beɪs] noun MAIN PART 主要部分 countable usually singular ■the main part of something 主要成分•a cocktail with a whisky base用威士卡作基酒的鸡尾酒 [beɪs] noun MATHEMATICS 数学 countable usually singular specialized ■the number on which a counting system is built 基数•A binary number is a number written in base 2, using the two numbers 0 and 1.二进制数字是一种用0和1两个数码表示、基数为2的数字。 [beɪs] noun CHEMISTRY 化学 countable specialized ■a chemical that dissolves in water and combines with an acid to create a salt 碱,盐基 [beɪs] adjective literary ■not showing any honour and having no morals 贱的;卑下的,卑鄙的•I accused him of having base motives.我谴责他动机卑鄙。 [beɪs] verb transitive usually + adverb or preposition ADVANCED ■to have a particular town or area, etc. as the main place that you live and work, or where you do business from 以某处(城镇或地区等)为生活、工作、经商的主要地点,将某地设为总部•Where is your firm based?你们公司的总部在哪里? •He was based in (= He lived in or was at a military establishment in) Birmingham during the war.战争期间他驻守在伯明罕。 [beɪs] verb transitive usually + adverb or preposition Phrasal Verbs base sth on sth ESSENTIAL ■If you base something on facts or ideas, you use those facts or ideas to develop it 以…为基础•The film is based on a short story by Thomas Mann.这出电影是根据汤玛斯·曼的短篇小说改编而成的。 |