outline ['aʊt.laɪn] noun countable SHAPE 外形 IMPROVER ■the main shape or edge of something, without any details 轮廓,略图,外形•She drew the outline of the boat and then coloured it in.她画了这只船的草图,然后给它着色。 in outline ■as a shape with an edge but without any details 轮廓•The mountain was visible only in outline as the light faded.光线暗了下来,只能看见山的轮廓。 ['aʊt.laɪn] noun countable DESCRIPTION 大纲 IMPROVER ■a description of the main facts about something 大纲;概要;提要•If you read the minutes of the meeting, they'll give you a broad outline of what was discussed.如果你看了会议记录,就会知道讨论的大概内容。 •Some novelists start by writing an outline (= plan of the main points of the story).有些小说家创作时会先写提纲。 ['aʊt.laɪn] verb transitive DRAW SHAPE 勾勒 IMPROVER ■to draw the main shape or edge of something 勾勒,描画…的轮廓•The area we're interested in is outlined in red on the map.我们感兴趣的地区已经用红笔在地图上勾出来了。 ['aʊt.laɪn] verb transitive DESCRIBE 概括 IMPROVER ■to give the main facts about something 略述,概括•At the interview she outlined what I would be doing.面试时,她简要介绍了我将要从事的工作。 |