bankrupt ['bæŋ.krʌpt] adjective ADVANCED legal ■unable to pay what you owe, and having control of your financial matters given, by a court of law, to a person who sells your property to pay your debts 破产的,资不抵债的•He went bankrupt after only a year in business.他仅仅做了一年的生意就破产了。 •The recession has led to many small businesses going bankrupt.经济不景气导致许多小企业破产。 ■informal ■having no money 无钱的•I shall go bankrupt if you children keep on asking for more pocket money!如果你们几个孩子不断地向我要零用钱,我会破产的! ■disapproving ■not having a particular quality 缺乏…的•He believes that modern society is morally bankrupt.他认为现代社会道德沦亡。 ['bæŋ.krʌpt] noun countable legal ■a person who is officially bankrupt 破产者•He was declared a bankrupt in 1991.1991年他被宣告破产。 ['bæŋ.krʌpt] verb transitive legal ■to cause someone to become bankrupt 使某人破产•They feared that the loss would bankrupt them.他们担心这笔损失会使他们破产。 |