obscurity UK [əb'skjʊə.rɪ.ti] US [-'skjʊr.ə.tˌi] noun uncountable NOT KNOWN 鲜为人知 ■when someone or something is not known to many people 无名的;鲜为人知的;默默无闻的•He was briefly famous in his twenties but then sank into obscurity.他在20来岁时曾一度小有名气,但随后便湮没无闻了。 •He rose from relative obscurity to worldwide recognition.他从默默无闻一下变成世界闻名。 UK [əb'skjʊə.rɪ.ti] US [-'skjʊr.ə.tˌi] noun uncountable NOT CLEAR 不清楚的 ■when something is not clear and difficult to understand or see 费解的,晦涩的;模糊的,朦胧的;不清楚的•The story is convoluted and opaque, often to the point of total obscurity.这则故事晦涩难懂,常常令人一头雾水。 |