motivation UK [ˌməʊ.tɪ'veɪ.ʃən] US [ˌmoʊ.tˌɪ-] noun ENTHUSIASM 热情 uncountable ■enthusiasm for doing something 积极性;干劲•He's a bright enough student - he just lacks motivation.他是个很聪明的学生,只是不够积极。 •There seems to be a lack of motivation among the staff.员工似乎都缺乏干劲。 UK [ˌməʊ.tɪ'veɪ.ʃən] US [ˌmoʊ.tˌɪ-] noun REASON 动机 countable ■the need or reason for doing something 动机,诱因•What was the motivation for the attack?这次袭击的动机是甚么? •The motivation behind the decision is the desire to improve our service to our customers.我们作出这项决定,目的在于改善我们的顾客服务。 |