Monday ['mʌn.deɪ] noun countable or uncountable (written abbreviation Mon) ESSENTIAL ■the day of the week after Sunday and before Tuesday 星期一,周一•I start my new job on Monday.周一我将开始我的新工作。 •UK informal or US They'll be arriving Monday.他们将在星期一抵达。 •last Monday上个星期一 •next Monday下周一 •Term doesn't start this Monday (= the first one from now) , it starts (on) Monday week (= the second one from now).不是接下来这个周一开学,是再下个周一。 •Don't you hate going back to school on Mondays?难道你不讨厌每个周一又要回到学校吗? •The baby was born on a Monday.孩子是星期一出生的。 •She went home on the Monday (= on the Monday of that particular week).她是星期一回家的。 ['mʌn.deɪ] noun countable or uncountable (written abbreviation Mon) (that) Monday morning feeling (Australian Mondayitis) informal ■the way people feel after the weekend (= Saturday and Sunday) when they do not want to go to work or school 周一综合症(指周末休假后周一不想上班或上学的情况)•I've got that Monday morning feeling.我就是周一早上不想上班。 ['mʌn.deɪ] noun countable or uncountable (written abbreviation Mon) Monday - morning quarterback US ■someone who says how an event or problem should have been dealt with by others after it has already been dealt with 放马后炮的人,事后诸葛亮 |