backpedal ['bækˌped.əl] [-'--] (-ll- or US USUALLY -l-) verb intransitive BICYCLE 脚踏车,单车,自行车 ■to move the pedals (= parts you operate with your feet) backwards on a bicycle 倒踏脚踏车脚踏板•Some types of bike have brakes which you operate by backpedalling.有些自行车以倒踏脚踏板刹车。 ['bækˌped.əl] [-'--] (-ll- or US USUALLY -l-) verb intransitive CHANGE OPINION 变卦 ■to change an opinion that you had expressed before, or do something different from what you had said you would do 改变立场;出尔反尔;变卦•As soon as I said I thought she was wrong, she started backpedalling.我一说我觉得她错了,她就开始变卦。 •He said he'd help, but now he's starting to backpedal (on his promise).他说过会帮忙的,但现在开始变卦了。 |