minor UK ['maɪ.nər] US [-nɚ] adjective UNIMPORTANT 不重要的 IMPROVER ■having little importance, influence or effect, especially when compared with other things of the same type 较不重要的;次要的;轻微的•a minor operation小手术 •It's only a minor problem.那只是个小问题。 •There's been an increase in minor offences , such as traffic violations and petty theft.轻微的违法活动有所增加,如违反交通规则、小偷小摸等。 •She suffered only minor injuries.她只是受了轻伤。 •It requires a few minor adjustments.需要作几处小的调整。 •a minor poet of the 16th-century16世纪一位不太知名的诗人 Compare major UK ['maɪ.nər] US [-nɚ] adjective MUSIC 音乐 ■belonging or relating to a type of musical scale that generally has a sad sound, typically having a half tone between the second and third and between the fifth and sixth notes, and a whole tone between each of the others 小调的;小音阶的•The piece is written in a minor key.这是一首用小调谱写的乐曲。 •Mozart's Piano Concerto No. 20 in D minor.莫札特的第20号D小调钢琴协奏曲 Compare major UK ['maɪ.nər] US [-nɚ] noun countable legal ■someone who is too young to have the legal responsibilities of an adult 未成年人•He was accused of having sex with a minor.他被指控与一名未成年人发生性关系。 |