menace ['men.ɪs] noun countable usually singular ■something that is likely to cause harm 危险的事物;构成威胁的事物•Drunk drivers are a menace to everyone.醉酒驾驶者对所有人都构成威胁。 •Dogs running loose are a public menace.没有拴起来到处乱跑的犬只对公众安全构成威胁。 •the menace of industrial pollution工业污染的危害 uncountable ■a dangerous quality that makes you think someone is going to do something bad 威胁;威吓•He had a slight air of menace which I found unsettling.他略带威胁的神情使我感到不安。 •He spoke with a hint of menace.他的语气中透出一丝威胁。 countable ■a person, especially a child, who is very annoying 讨厌的人(尤指小孩) demand money with menaces UK legal ■to demand money using threats 勒索钱财•He was accused of unlawfully demanding money with menaces.他被控非法勒索钱财。 ['men.ɪs] verb transitive slightly formal ■If someone or something menaces a person or thing, they threaten seriously to harm it 威胁;威吓•Hurricane Hugo menaced the US coast for a week.飓风“雨果”威胁美国海岸长达一周。 |