member UK ['mem.bər] US [-bɚ] noun countable PERSON 人 ESSENTIAL ■a person, animal or thing which is part of a group 成员,一分子•a family member家庭成员 •a member of the older generation老一辈中的一员 •male and female members of the group团体中的男性与女性成员 •The lion is a member of the cat family.狮子是猫科动物。 •Representatives of the member states will be meeting next week.成员国代表将于下周会晤。 ESSENTIAL ■a person who joins a group to take part in a particular activity 会员•a new club member俱乐部新会员 •Car parking facilities are for members only.停车设施仅供会员使用。 •Michael is a member of the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds.麦克尔是皇家鸟类保护协会的会员。 UK ['mem.bər] US [-bɚ] noun countable BODY PART 身体部位 formal ■a leg or arm 四肢之一;腿;手臂 ■formal ■a penis 阴茎•the male member男性性器官 |