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单词 | mark |
释义 | mark UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun DIFFERENT AREA 不同的区域 ESSENTIAL countable ■a small area on the surface of something which is damaged, dirty or different in some way 痕迹;污点;疤痕 •There were dirty •His fingers had left •She had a red mark on her arm where she'd burnt herself.她手臂上烧伤的地方留下了红色的疤痕。 countable ■a typical feature or one which allows you to recognize someone or something 标记;特征 •Did your attacker have any distinguishing •You can tell which puppy is which from the marks (also markings UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun SYMBOL 符号 ADVANCED countable ■a symbol which is used for giving information 标识;记号 •I've put a mark on the map where I think we should go for a picnic.我在地图上作了个记号,标出了我认为我们应该去野餐的地方。 •What do those marks in the middle of the road mean?路中央的那些标记是甚么意思? ADVANCED countable ■a written or printed symbol (书写或印刷的)符号 •a question mark问号 •an exclamation mark感叹号 •punctuation marks标点符号 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun FOR SCHOOL WORK 学业的 ADVANCED countable mainly UK ■a judgment, expressed as a number or letter, about the quality of a piece of work done at school, college or university 分数;成绩 •What mark did you get •Matilda's had very good •UK You scored full UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun LEVEL 水准 only singular ■the level intended or wanted 目标,指标 •Sales have already passed UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun REPRESENTATION 表明 countable ■an action which is understood to represent or show a characteristic of a person or thing or feeling (情感的)表示;(特征的)标志 •He took off his hat as a mark of respect •It's the mark of •I'd like to give this bottle of wine as a mark of UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun MONEY 金钱 countable ■a Deutschmark 马克(德国马克) UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun be off the mark ■If something someone says or writes is off the mark, it is not correct 不正确,不准确(指某人说的或写的东西不符合事实) •His criticisms are way •Bedini and Curzi were probably not far UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun be quick/slow off the mark ■to be quick/slow to act or react to an event or a situation 反应迅速/迟钝 •The police were certainly quick off the mark reaching the scene of the accident.警方确实反应迅速,很快到了意外现场。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun be up to the mark ■to be good enough 达到标准,够好 •Her latest batch of work just isn't up to the mark.她最近的一批工作不合格。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun leave your /its mark on sb/sth ■to have an effect that changes someone or something, usually in a bad way 对…产生(通常指不良的)影响 •The experience had left its mark on her.这段经历对她产生了影响。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun make a/ your mark (on sth) ■to have an important effect on something (对…)留下深远的影响 •Daniel didn't work here for very long, but he definitely made his mark on the place.丹尼尔在这里工作时间不长,但他却实实在在地留下了深远的影响。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] noun On your marks , get set , go ! (US also on your mark... get set... go) ■something called out to competitors at the beginning of a running race (赛跑出发前的口令)各就各位,预备,跑! UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb PIECE OF WORK 工作 IMPROVER transitive ■to correct mistakes in and give points for a piece of work 批改;给…评分 •I was up half the night marking exam •UK You'll be marked down UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb DAMAGE/MAKE DIRTY 破坏/使肮脏 ADVANCED intransitive or transitive ■to make a mark on something or someone 留痕迹(于) •Make sure you don't mark the paintwork while you're moving the furniture around.移动家俱时,千万别碰坏了油漆。 •A dark carpet won't mark as easily as a light one.深色地毯不像浅色地毯那么容易留下痕迹。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb REPRESENT 表明 ADVANCED transitive ■to represent or show a characteristic of a person or thing or feeling 标志;以…为特征 •The band's songs have always been marked by controversial lyrics.这支乐队的歌曲的特点是歌词向来都颇有争议。 •The signing of the treaty marked a major milestone on the road to European union.该条约的签署是欧洲一体化进程中的一个重要里程碑。 ADVANCED transitive ■to show respect for or commemorate 对…表示敬意;纪念 •Tomorrow's parade will mark the fiftieth anniversary UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb SYMBOL 符号 ADVANCED transitive ■to show where something is by drawing or putting something somewhere 标明,标示 •I've marked the route around the one-way system on the town plan.我已在城镇地图上将单向系统的路线标了出来。 •I'd like everyone to mark their progress on the chart every week.我希望每个人每周都将自己的进度标在图表上。 •X marks the spot UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb SPORT 运动 transitive UK (US cover) ■to prevent a member of the opposing team from taking control of the ball by staying close to them all the time (球类团体比赛中)盯防 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb be marked out as sth UK (US be marked as sth) ■to be shown to be different because of a certain characteristic 被区分(或识别)出是 •I can't speak a word of French so I'm marked out as a foreigner as soon as I arrive in France.我一句法语也不会说,所以一到法国就被认出是外国人。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb (You) mark my words! old-fashioned ■something that you say when you tell someone about something that you are certain will happen in the future (告诉别人某事将来肯定会发生时用语)(你)记住我的话! •He'll cause trouble - you mark my words!他会惹麻烦的——你记住我的话! UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb mark time ■to march in one place without moving forward 原地踏步 ■to do little while waiting for something that is going to happen 停滞不前 •She's just marking time until she goes off to university.她在上大学之前,一直是在混日子。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] mark sth down REDUCE ■to reduce the price of something, usually in order to encourage people to buy it (尤指为促销而)降低…的价格 •Low consumer demand has forced us to mark down a wide range of goods, sometimes by •Shares in the electricity companies were marked down following the announcement of the new energy tax.新的能源税颁布后,电力公司的股价 随即纷纷下跌。 RECORD ■to write something on a piece of paper in order to make a record of it 记下,写下 •I've marked down the number of each item sold.卖出的每件东西的号码我都记下来了。 •Look carefully at these questions and mark your answers down in the right-hand column.仔细审题,然后在右栏中写下答案。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb Phrasal Verbs mark sb down as sth ■to consider someone as a particular type of person 将某人看作,认为(某人)是(某类人) •I'd marked her down as UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] mark sth/sb off ■If you mark off things or people that are on a list, you record that you have dealt with them (从表中)勾去,划掉(表示已处理好) •As I complete each task I mark it off.我每做完一项工作,就将它划掉。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb Phrasal Verbs mark sth off ■to separate an area by putting something around it 划出;隔开 •Police had marked off the area UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb Phrasal Verbs mark sth out ■to show the shape or position of something by drawing a line around it 画出;画线标出 •He'd marked out a volleyball court on the beach with a stick.他用棍子在沙滩上画出了一个排球场。 UK [mɑ:k] US [mɑ:rk] verb Phrasal Verbs [M] mark sth upmark 1 |
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