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单词 make
释义 make
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to produce something, often using a particular substance or material 做;制作;制造
Shall I make some coffee?我煮些咖啡好吗?
He'd made a chocolate cake.他做了一个巧克力蛋糕。
She makes all her own clothes.她所有的衣服都是自己做的。
[+ two objects] He made us some coffee./He made some coffee for us.他为我们煮了些咖啡。
The pot is made to withstand high temperatures.这个罐子经特别制作,能抵抗高温。
He works for a company that makes garden furniture.他在一家生产庭院家俱的公司工作。
The label on the box said 'made in Taiwan'.盒子上的标签写著「台湾制造”。
Butter is made out of/from milk.奶油由牛奶制成。
earrings made of gold金制的耳环
Her new trainer has promised to make an olympic athlete of her.她的新教练承诺将她训练成奥运选手。
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■To make a film or television programme is to direct , produce it, or act in it 执导;制作;拍摄;出演
John Huston made some great films.约翰•休斯顿执导过一些十分优秀的影片。
The film was made by Goldcrest Productions.这部影片是由金冠制片公司制作的。
So why didn't Garbo make any films after 1941?为甚么嘉宝1941年后就不再拍电影了?
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to cause something 造成;引起;导致
The kids made such a mess in the kitchen.孩子将厨房弄得一团糟。
The bullet made a hole right through his chest.子弹射穿了他的胸膛。
[+ infinitive without to] The wind is making my eyes water.风吹得我眼睛直流泪。
What made you change your mind?甚么使你改变了想法?
Just seeing Woody Allen's face is enough to make me laugh.只要看一眼伍迪•艾伦的脸就足以使我发笑。
The photograph makes me look about 80!照片上的我看起来都快80岁了!
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to cause to be, to become or to appear as 使成为;使变成;使显得
[+ noun] It's the good weather that makes Spain such a popular tourist destination.良好的气候使西班牙成为旅游胜地。
[R + past participle] She had to shout to make herself heard above the sound of the music.她只有大声喊叫才能盖过音乐声让别人听到她的声音。
I can make myself understood in French, but I'm not fluent.我说法语别人都明白,但说得不流利。
They went up to the Ambassador and made themselves known (to her).他们走到大使面前,(向她)作了自我介绍。
[+ adj] The company accounts have not yet been made public.公司账目至今尚未公开。
The book's advertised as "navigation made easy ".这本书的广告宣传词是“航海不再难”。
The President has made Henry Paulson his Secretary of the Treasury.总统已任命亨利‧保尔森为财政部长。
I'll have a steak - no, make that chicken.我要一份牛排——不,改成鸡肉。
make certain/sure  ADVANCED 
■to take action so that you are certain that something happens, is true, etc 确定;确保
I'll just make sure I've turned the oven off.我要确定一下是否关掉了烤箱。
Make certain (that) we have enough drink for the party.我们要确保聚会上有足够的饮料。
Make sure you're home by midnight.你务必要在午夜前回到家。
Jones made sure of his place in the side with three fine goals.钟斯以三个漂亮的进球确保了他在队里的位置。
I think I locked the door but I'll go back and check just to make sure.我想我把门锁上了,但还是要回去检查确认一下。
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to perform an action 作出…的举动
I must make a telephone call.我必须打个电话。
Somebody has made a donation of £1 million to Oxfam.有人向乐施会捐赠了100万英镑。
I need to make a trip to the shops.我要去商店买点东西。
On foot they could only make about 20 miles a day.步行的话他们每天只能走20英里左右。
We must make a decision by tomorrow.到明天我们就必须作出决定。
You're not making any effort.你一点都不努力。
Someone has made a mistake/an error.有人犯了错误/出了差错。
We're making good progress.我们进展顺利。
She has made a request for a new car.她申请要一辆新汽车。
We made an offer of £150 000 for the house.我们出价15万英镑买这座房子。
She made a short speech.她作了简短的发言。
Shall we make a start on the work?我们现在开始工作好吗?
Can I make a suggestion ?我能否提个建议?
We made good time getting across town.我们快速穿过了小镇。
There's a drunk at the door making trouble.有个醉汉在门口闹事。
make room/space/way
■If you make room/space/way for something or someone, you move or move other things, so that there is space for them. 腾出地方/让路
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
make sb do sth
■to force someone or something to do something 强迫…做
You can't make him go if he doesn't want to.如果他不想去,你不能强迫他去。
The vet put something down the dog's throat to make it vomit.兽医为狗灌了些东西,迫使它呕吐。
be made to do sth
■to be forced to do something 被迫做
The prisoners are made to dig holes and fill them in again.那些囚犯被强迫挖洞,然后再将之填平。
  Common Learner Errors   make sb do sthWhen make has the meaning 'to force', it is followed by a verb in the infinitive without 'to'.Do not say 'make someone to do something', say make someone do something.
They made us to pay extra for the drinks.They made us pay extra for the drinks.Warning: in passive sentences, use the infinitive with 'to'.Don't say 'be made do something', say be made to do something.
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
 IMPROVER  [L only + noun]
■to be or become something, usually by having the necessary characteristics (通常因有必需的特点而)成为,变为
I don't think he will ever make a (good) lawyer.我认为他不能够当(好)律师。
He's a competent enough officer, but I doubt he'll ever make general.他是个很能干的军官,但我怀疑他能否成为将军。
It's a story that would make a great film.这是个能用来拍好电影的故事。
She decided the back room would make a good study.她认为后面的房间很适合用作书房。
Champagne and caviar make a wonderful combination.香槟和鱼子酱搭配起来棒极了。
The story makes fascinating reading.这个故事读起来很精彩。
 IMPROVER  [L only + noun]
■If people or things make a particular pattern, they are arranged in that way 形成;组成
Let's make a circle.我们来围成一个圈。
Those seven bright stars make the shape of a saucepan.那七颗明亮的星星构成一个长柄锅的形状。
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
 IMPROVER  [L only + noun] transitive
■to produce a total when added together 等于;合计为
12 and 12 make 24.12加12等于24。
Today's earthquake makes five since the beginning of the year.今天的地震是今年以来的第五次。
[+ obj + noun] I've got 29 different teapots in my collection - if I buy this one that'll make it 30.我已经收集了29个各式各样的茶壶——如果买下这个,就有30个了。
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
 ADVANCED  transitive + object + noun
■to calculate as 计算;估计
How much do you make the total?你算出的总数是多少?
I make the answer (to be) 105.6.我算出的答案是105.6。
What do you make the time?/What time do you make it?你估计现在几点了?
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
EARN/GET 赚得/获得
 ADVANCED  transitive
■to earn or get 赚得;获得
She makes $100 000 a year as a doctor.她行医每年收入十万美元。
How do you make a living as a painter?你当画家如何谋生?
The company has made huge profits/losses.公司盈利丰厚/亏损严重。
He's very good at making new friends.他善于结交新朋友。
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
 ADVANCED  transitive informal
■to arrive at or reach, especially successfully (尤指成功地)赶到,到达
She made it to the airport just in time to catch her plane.她及时赶到机场,搭上了班机。
He made it to the bed and then collapsed.他走到床边就倒下了。
Could you make a meeting at 8 am?/Could you make 8 am for the meeting?能在早上八点见面吗?
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
transitive informal
■to cause to be perfect 使完美;完善
Those little bows round the neck really make the dress!领口的小蝴蝶结确实为这条连身裙锦上添花!
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
be made for sb/sth
■to be exactly suitable for someone or something 和…是绝配
Paul and Ann were made for each other.保罗和安是天造地设的一对。
This wallpaper's just made for my bedroom.这种墙纸和我的卧室简直是绝配。
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
be made of money
■to be rich 富有
No you can't have another bike - I'm not made of money!不行,你不能再买脚踏车了——我又不是富翁!
[meɪk] verb (made, made)
Do you want to make something/anything of it? informal
■something that you say to someone as a way of threatening or offering to fight them when they disagree with you 你想来真的吗?
[meɪk] verb (made, made)make 1




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