maintenance ['meɪn.tɪ.nənts] noun uncountable WORK 工作 IMPROVER ■the work needed to keep a road, building, machine, etc. in good condition 维护,保养(保持道路、建筑、机器设备等处于良好状态的工作)•Old houses need a lot of maintenance.老房子需要大量保养。 •There are thorough maintenance checks on each plane before take-off.每架飞机起飞前都要经过彻底的维修检查。 •The magazine offers tips on cutting your house maintenance costs.这本杂志教你一些降低房屋维修花费的妙计。 ['meɪn.tɪ.nənts] noun uncountable MONEY 金钱 ■money that a person must pay regularly by law in order to support their child or previous marriage partner after a divorce (= official end to a marriage) (法律规定离婚后须定期支付用以供养孩子或前配偶的)抚养费,生活费•He refused to pay maintenance for his three children.他不肯支付三个孩子的抚养费。 ['meɪn.tɪ.nənts] noun uncountable CONTINUE TO HAVE 维持 ■when something continues to exist or is not allowed to become less 维持;保持•the maintenance of living standards生活水准的保持 |