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单词 like
释义 like
[laɪk] verb
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to enjoy or approve of something or someone 喜欢,喜爱
I like your new haircut.我喜欢你的新发型。
Do you like fish?你爱吃鱼吗?
I like it when a book is so good that you can't put it down.我喜欢那种碰上好书时手不释卷的感觉。
I quite like wine but I could live without it.我很喜欢喝酒,但没有酒我还是可以忍受的。
He's very well- liked (= popular) at work.他在单位里人缘相当好。
[+ -ing verb] I don't like upsetting people.我不喜欢搞得别人心烦意乱。
[+ to infinitive] He likes to spend his evenings in front of the television.他喜欢晚上看电视消磨时间。
[+ past participle] He likes his steak well-done.他喜欢吃熟透的牛排。
■to be annoyed by something 对…反感,讨厌
I like the way he just assumes we'll listen to him when he doesn't take in a word anyone else says!他谁的话都听不进去,却以为我们大家都会听他的,对此我非常反感。
[laɪk] verb
would like
■or formalshould like ... used to say that you want or wish something 想,想要,希望
I think I'd like the soup for my starter.我想我还是先喝汤吧。
I'd like to go to Moscow.我想去莫斯科。
I would like to say a big thankyou to everyone who's helped to make our wedding such a special occasion!我想对参与筹备我们婚礼的每一个人表示由衷的感谢,正是你们让这个婚礼如此与众不同!
 ESSENTIAL  [+ to infinitive]
■used in requests (用于请求)想要,希望得到
I'd like one of the round loaves, please.请给我拿一个圆面包。
[+ to infinitive] I'd like to book a seat for tonight's performance.我想预订一个今晚演出的座位。
[+ obj + to infinitive] I'd like you to send this for me first class, please.请按一类邮件把这个寄出。
[+ past participle] I would like the whole lot finish ed by the weekend.我希望这些工作能在周末前做完。
  Common Learner Errors   would likeWhen would like is followed by a verb, that verb cannot be in the infinitive without 'to'.Do not say 'would like do something', say would like to do something.
I would like recommend a restaurant for our meeting.I would like to recommend a restaurant for our meeting.
[laɪk] verb
How do you like ... ?  ADVANCED 
■used when asking someone how they like their drinks made 你想喝甚么样的…?
"How do you like your tea?" "Milk and one sugar, please."“你的茶要加甚么吗?”“请加些牛奶和一粒糖。”
■used when asking someone for an opinion 你觉得…怎么样?
How do you like my new shoes?你觉得我的新鞋怎么样?
[laɪk] verb
How would you like ... ? informal
■said to suggest that someone would not like to be in a situation experienced by someone else 你会愿意…吗?
I'm not surprised he shouted at you! How would you like to be pushed into a wall?他向你嚷我一点都不奇怪!你愿意被人推到墙上吗?
[laɪk] verb
I'd like to see ... informal
■said to mean that you do not believe someone can do something (表示不相信)我倒想看看…
He said women have an easier life than men, did he? - I'd like to see him bring up children and go to work at the same time.“他说女人比男人活得更轻松,是不是?--我倒想看看他怎样一边抚养孩子一边工作。”
[laɪk] verb
if you like
■used for asking if someone agrees with a suggestion 如果你愿意
We can leave now if you like.如果你愿意,我们可以现在就走。
I'm not sure if I have the confidence, the nerve if you like (= if this phrase is suitable) , to apply for the job.我不知道自己是否有信心,或者说是否有胆量去申请这个职位。
[laɪk] verb
like it or lump it informal
■If you tell someone to like it or lump it, you mean they must accept a situation they do not like, because they cannot change it 必须接受某个现状,因为情况没法改变
Like it or lump it, romantic fiction is read regularly by thousands.还是接受现实吧,数以千计的人都有读言情小说的习惯。
[laɪk] verb
we like cheap/tall/young, etc. humorous
■used to say that you like or approve of something 我们就喜欢便宜/高个/年轻等的
Cheap is good - we like cheap.便宜好——我们就喜欢便宜的。
"He's blond and he's very tall." "We like tall."“他一头金发,个子很高。”“我们喜欢高个子。”
[laɪk] verb
Would you like ... ?  ESSENTIAL 
■used when offering something or inviting someone 你想(做)…吗?你是否愿意…?
Would you like a drink?你想喝点甚么吗?
Would you like to join us for dinner tonight?你愿意今晚和我们一起共进晚餐吗?
Would you like me to take you in the car?我开车送你好吗?
[laɪk] preposition conjunction
■similar to; in the same way or manner as 像;与…相似,与…近似
He looks like his brother.他长得像他哥哥。
She's very much like her mother (= She is similar in appearance or character).她和她母亲非常像。
Is Japanese food like Chinese?日本料理和中菜相似吗?
I've got a sweater just like that.我有一件和那件一模一样的毛衣。
Her hair was so soft it was like silk.她的头发如丝绸般柔顺。
You're acting like a complete idiot!你的举动像个十足的白痴!
She sings like an angel!她的歌声如天使一般!
Like I said (= As I have already said) , I don't wear perfume.我说过了,我不用香水。
Like most people (= As most people would) , I'd prefer to have enough money not to work和大多数人一样,我喜欢能有足够的钱而不必去工作。
It feels/seems like (= It seems to me) ages since we last spoke.我们好像很久没有说过话了。
There's nothing like a good cup of coffee (= it's better than anything) !任何东西都比不了一杯好咖啡!
  Common Learner Errors   likeWarning: choose the correct pronoun!Don't say 'how is sb/sth like?' or 'how sb/sth is like', say what is sb/sth like? or what sb/sth is like :
How is life like in England?What is life like in England?I want to find out what life is like in England.
[laɪk] preposition conjunction
AS IF 好像
■in a way that suggests 好像,仿佛,似乎
It looks like I'm going to be in the office until late tonight.看起来我得到深夜才能离开办公室了。
It looks like rain (= I think it is going to rain).我看天要下雨了。
It sounds to me like you ought to change jobs.听起来你似乎应该换个工作。
You look like you've just got out of bed!你看起来好像刚刚起床!
not standard She acts like she's stupid!她似乎总干傻事!
[laɪk] preposition conjunction
like two peas in a pod
■very similar, especially in appearance (尤指外观)非常相像
The twins are like two peas in a pod.那对双胞胎长得极像。
[laɪk] preposition conjunction
What are you like? (also What is she/he like?) UK informal
■used when someone has said or done something silly (用于表示某人的言行很愚蠢)…怎么这个样子?
"Of course Emma's only worry was whether her lipstick had smudged." "Emma! What is she like?"“当然了,爱玛关心的只是她的口红是否弄花了。”“爱玛,她怎么这个样子?”
[laɪk] preposition conjunction
What is sb/sth like?
■something you say to ask someone to describe someone or something …怎么样?
You've met Ben's new girlfriend, haven't you? What's she like?你见过本的新女友了,对吧?她长得甚么样?
I've never been to Bruges - what's it like?我从未去过布鲁日——那里怎么样?
So what's it like, then, not having to work?不用去工作了,感觉怎么样?
[laɪk] preposition
■typical or characteristic of 为…所特有的,符合…特点的
That's just like Maisie to turn up half an hour late to her own party!梅茜就是这样的人:为她办派对时她都要拖后半小时才露面!
It's not like you to be so quiet - are you all right, my love?你平时没这么安静呀——亲爱的,你没事吧?
[laɪk] preposition
■such as 例如,诸如
She looks best in bright, vibrant colours, like red and pink.她穿鲜亮颜色的衣服最漂亮,如红色和粉色。
[laɪk] adverb informal
■used before you describe how you were feeling or what you said when something happened to you (用于引出自己对已发生事件的)感觉或想法
Then I saw how late it was and I'm like, so upset.然后我才明白已经很晚了,因此感觉特别沮丧。
He started shouting at me and I'm like, "What's your problem? I'm on your side!"他开始朝我大喊大叫起来,于是我就问他:“你怎么回事?我是站在你这边的!”
[laɪk] adverb informal
■used in conversation as a pause or to emphasize an adjective (用于对话中表示停顿或强调)形容词
He's, like, really friendly - someone you can talk to.他呀,真的非常友善——就是那种可以倾心交谈的人。
If there's nothing you can do to change the situation, it's like - why bother?如果你无法改变这种局面,那么干吗去费这个神呢?
[laɪk] noun
the like of sb/sth ; sb's/sth's like
■a person, thing or group similar in character or quality to the one mentioned …之类
He was a very great actor - we won't see his like again.他是个非常了不起的演员——没有人能达到他那样的水准。
He described a superlative meal, the like of which he'd never eaten.他说那顿饭特别美味——他从未吃过如此好吃的饭。
and such like (also and the like) informallike 1




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