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单词 land
释义 land
[lænd] noun
 ESSENTIAL  uncountable
■the surface of the Earth that is not covered by water 陆地,地面
It is cheaper to drill for oil on land than at sea.在陆地上钻探石油比在海上更经济。
The treaty has led to a dramatic reduction in the number of land -based missiles in Europe.该条约的签订导致了欧洲陆基导弹的数量大幅减少。
The military commanders won't deploy their land forces until they're satisfied that the air attacks have done their job.军队指挥官们将一直等到他们觉得空中打击奏效了之后才会开始部署地面部队。
 ESSENTIAL  uncountable
■an area of ground, especially when used for a particular purpose such as farming or building 地,土地
This sort of land is no good for growing potatoes.这种地不适合种马铃薯。
I always prosecute people who trespass on my land.对擅自闯入我的领地的人我一律都要告上法庭。
We want to buy a plot of land to build a house.我们想买一块地盖房子。
the land
■farms, farming and the countryside 农场;务农;农村
Most of the families lived off the land (= grew their own food etc.).大多数家庭靠种田过活。
My parents worked (on) the land.我父母都务农。
[lænd] noun
 ADVANCED  countable literary
■a country 国家
a land of ice and snow冰雪的国度
The group want to promote their ideas in schools throughout the land.该团体到全国各地的学校去宣传他们的理念。
⇒ See also fatherland;homeland;motherland
[lænd] noun
be in the land of nod old-fashioned informal
■to be sleeping 正在睡觉,在睡梦中
Jamie's in the land of nod at last.杰米终于睡着了。
[lænd] noun
be in the land of the living humorous
■to be awake or to be alive 醒着;活着
She was partying till the early hours, so I don't imagine she'll be in the land of the living before lunchtime.她在晚会上一直玩到后半夜,所以我想午饭之前她是不会睡醒的。
[lænd] noun
find out / see how the land lies
■to wait until you have all the available information about a situation before you take any action (采取行动之前)弄清情况,摸清形势
[lænd] noun
land of milk and honey
■a country where living conditions are good and people have the opportunity to make a lot of money 鱼米之乡,富饶的国度
Many Mexicans regard the United States as a land of milk and honey.许多墨西哥人把美国看作是富裕的乐土。
[lænd] noun
the land of the midnight sun
■the part of Norway, Sweden and Finland inside the Arctic Circle where the sun is in the sky very late at night in the summer 午夜太阳国(指挪威、瑞典、芬兰等国位于北极圈内的国土)
[lænd] noun
the Land of the Rising Sun
■Japan 日不落国(指日本)
[lænd] verb
 IMPROVER  intransitive or transitive
■to (cause to) arrive at a place after moving down through the air (使)着陆,(使)落地,(使)降落
We should land in Madrid at 7am.我们将于早上7点钟飞抵马德里。
You can land a plane on water in an emergency.紧急情况下飞机可以迫降在水上。
figurative The report first landed on my desk this morning.这份报告最初是在今天早上出现在我的桌上。
 ADVANCED  intransitive
■to arrive in a boat 到岸,到港
We landed at Port Said in the early evening.傍晚时分我们乘船抵达赛伊德港。
[lænd] verb
■to unload people or things from a ship or aircraft onto the ground 使上岸;使下飞机;(从船或飞机上)卸下(货物)
The general's plan involved landing troops behind enemy lines.将军的计划包括向敌人后方空投部队。
[lænd] verb
■to catch a fish with a hook (= curved piece of wire) or net and remove it from the water 钓到,网到(鱼)
He landed a huge salmon.他钓到了一条很大的鲑鱼。
[lænd] verb
■to get or achieve something good, especially in a way which seems easy or unexpected (尤指轻而易举或意外地)获得,得到,赢得
He's just landed a senior editorial job.他刚刚轻而易举地得到了一份资深编辑的工作。
[lænd] verb
land on your feet
■to return to a good situation after experiencing problems, especially because of good luck rather than skill or hard work 时来运转,峰回路转,柳暗花明
She's really landed on her feet with this new job.她找到这份新工作后真是时来运转了。
[lænd] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   land sb in sth
■to cause someone to be in a difficult situation 使(某人)陷入困境
Revealing confidential information to a rival company could land you in serious trouble with your boss.向竞争对手泄露公司秘密的话,你的老板不会轻饶了你。
The demonstration outside the embassy landed some of the protesters in jail overnight.在使馆外举行抗议示威活动导致一些抗议者被拘留了一夜。
He landed himself in deep/hot water (= in a very difficult or unpleasant situation) by lying to the tax office about his earnings.他因向税务部门谎报收入而惹上了大麻烦。
[lænd] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   land up informal
■to finally be in a particular place, state or situation, especially without having planned it (尤指在事先未作计划的情况下)最终到达(某位置);结果处于(某种处境)
When we accepted that lift in Paris, we never expected to land up in Athens.我们在巴黎搭那趟便车时根本没想到会来到雅典。
He'll land up in hospital if he carries on drinking like that.如果他继续那么喝酒,他最终准会被送进医院。
[lænd] verb
  Phrasal Verbs   land sb with sth
■If someone or something lands you with something, they cause problems for you 给(某人)惹下(麻烦),给(某人)出(难题)
I hope you don't mind me landing you with the children at such short notice.希望你不会介意我这么急着把孩子们交给你来照顾。
Alan's gone off on holiday and I've been landed with the job of sorting out his mistakes.艾伦去渡假了,结果改正他的差错的差使就落到了我头上。




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