jaundiced UK ['dʒɔ:n.dɪst] US ['dʒɑ:n-] formal adjective ■judging everything as bad because bad things have happened to you in the past (因从前不愉快的经历而对世事)有偏见的,狭隘的•He seems to have/take a very jaundiced view of life.他的人生观似乎十分偏狭。 •I'm afraid I look on all travel companies' claims with a rather jaundiced eye , having been disappointed by them so often in the past.恐怕我对所有旅游公司的宣传都抱有成见,因为过去这些宣传常常让我失望。 ■looking slightly yellow in colour because of having jaundice 黄疸黄(因患黄疸而面色发黄的)•He was jaundiced from liver disease.他因患肝病而面色发黄。 |