jab [dʒæb] verb (-bb-) intransitive or transitive [usually + adv/prep] ■to push or hit something forcefully and quickly, often with a thin or sharp object (用…)刺,戳,捅•The doctor jabbed the needle into the dog's leg.医生将针头扎入狗的腿中。 •Watch out! You nearly jabbed me in the eye with your umbrella!小心!你的雨伞快戳到我眼睛了! •He was jabbing a finger at (= towards) them and shouting angrily.他用手指着他们,愤怒地又喊又叫。 intransitive ■to make quick forceful hits with your fist (= closed hand) when boxing (拳击时用拳)猛击 transitive ■to kick a ball hard and quickly 猛踢(球)•He jabbed the ball into the net in the final minute of the game.在比赛的最后一刻他一脚劲射将球踢入网窝。 [dʒæb] noun countable ■a quick hard push or hit 刺,戳,捅;猛击•She gave me a sharp jab in the ribs with her elbow to stop me from saying any more.她用手肘猛戳了一下我的胸口,不让我再说下去。 •The boxer was floored by a punishing left jab.拳击手被一记凶狠的左刺拳击倒在地。 ■UK informal ■an injection 注射•a flu jab流感预防针 •You'll need some jabs if you're going to Egypt.如果去埃及,你需要打一些防疫针。 |