innocent ['ɪn.ə.sənt] adjective ESSENTIAL ■(of a person) not guilty of a particular crime, or having no knowledge of the unpleasant and evil things in life, or (of a thing) not intended to harm anyone (人)无罪的,天真的,无辜的;(事物)无恶意的•He firmly believes that she is innocent of the crime.他坚信她是清白的。 •She has such an innocent face that I find it hard to believe anything bad of her.她一脸天真无邪,我很难把她往坏的方面想。 •It was an innocent remark, I didn't mean to hurt his feelings.那句话没有恶意,我并不想伤害他的感情。 Compare guilty ADVANCED ■An innocent person is someone who is not involved with any military group or war 无辜(受害)的•Several innocent bystanders were injured in the explosion.几个无辜的旁观者在爆炸中受了伤。 ['ɪn.ə.sənt] noun countable ■a person who has very little experience and does not know about the bad things that happen in life 幼稚的人;不谙世事者 |