incandescent [ˌɪn.kæn'des.ənt] adjective LIGHT 灯 ■producing a bright light from a heated filament or other part 白炽的,白热的•an incandescent lamp白炽灯 ■literary ■extremely bright 极亮的•The mountain's snow-white peak was incandescent against the blue sky.雪白的山顶在蓝天的映衬下十分耀眼。 [ˌɪn.kæn'des.ənt] adjective QUALITY 品质 ■showing extreme anger or happiness 极度愤怒或高兴的•He was incandescent with rage.他大发雷霆。 •Her beauty had an incandescent quality to it.她貌美绝伦,光彩照人。 ■extremely good, special or skilled 杰出的;卓越的•an incandescent performance/career炉火纯青的表演/辉煌的事业 |