inaugurate UK [ɪ'nɔ:.gjʊ.reɪt] US [-'nɑ:-] verb transitive ■to put someone into an official position with a ceremony 使正式就职,为…举行就职典礼•American presidents are always inaugurated on January 20th.美国总统总是在1月20日正式就职。 ■to put something into use or action officially 正式启用(或启动)•The European Community inaugurated the Single European Market in 1993.欧洲共同体于1993年正式启动欧洲单一市场。 ■to mark the beginning of a new period, style or activity 开创(新时代);开始(新风尚或新活动)•The change of government inaugurated a new era of economic prosperity.政府的变革开创了经济繁荣的新时代。 |