arse UK [ɑ:s] US [ɑ:rs] noun countable UK (US ass) offensive ■the part of your body that you sit on 屁股•She's got a huge arse.她的屁股好大。 UK [ɑ:s] US [ɑ:rs] noun countable UK (US ass) get off your arse (also get your arse in gear) offensive ■to force yourself to start doing something or to make yourself hurry (用于强迫自己开始做事情)做起来,快行动•Tell him to get off his arse and do some work for once.告诉他别再只坐在那里不动了,他总要有那么一次工作吧。 •If she doesn't get her arse in gear she's going to be late.如果她再继续磨蹭,她就要迟到了。 UK [ɑ:s] US [ɑ:rs] noun countable UK (US ass) go arse over tit/ tip UK (US go ass over (tea)kettle) offensive ■to lose your balance suddenly and fall over 摔个正着•I fell off my bike and went arse over tit.我从脚踏车上掉了下来,摔个正着。 UK [ɑ:s] US [ɑ:rs] noun countable UK (US ass) Move/shift your arse! offensive ■used to rudely tell someone to hurry up or to get out of your way (用于不礼貌地催促某人)赶快!;(用于粗鲁地叫人让路)滚开! UK [ɑ:s] US [ɑ:rs] noun countable UK (US ass) My arse! offensive ■said when you do not believe what someone has just said (表示不相信)放屁!胡说!•"She says she's got food poisoning." "Food poisoning, my arse! She just drank too much last night."“她说她食物中毒了。”“食物中毒?胡说!她昨晚只是喝多了。” UK [ɑ:s] US [ɑ:rs] noun countable UK (US ass) not know your arse from your elbow offensive ■to be stupid and unable to understand very simple things 狗屁不懂,愚蠢 UK [ɑ:s] US [ɑ:rs] verb Phrasal Verbs arse about/around UK offensive ■to act in a silly way or waste time 鬼混;游荡•I wish he'd stop arsing around and actually do some work.我真希望他别再鬼混了,正正经经做点事情。 |