hint [hɪnt] noun INDIRECT STATEMENT 间接说明 ADVANCED countable ■something that you say or do that shows, but not directly, what you think or want 暗示,提示;示意•[+ that] He's dropped (= given) several hints to the boss that he'll quit if he doesn't get a promotion.他已经向老板暗示了好几次,如果不获擢升他就会辞职。 •Did she give you any hints about where she was going?她有没有向你暗示过她要去哪里呢? •You can't take (= understand) a hint, can you? Just go away and leave me alone!你就是听不懂暗示,对不对?滚开,不要管我! [hɪnt] noun ADVICE 建议 countable ■a piece of advice which helps you to do something 建议•Could you give us a hint about how to do this exercise, please?你能不能给我们一些关于如何做这个练习的建议? •This recipe book is full of handy (= useful) hints.这本食谱中有很多有用的建议。 [hɪnt] noun SMALL AMOUNT 少量 countable usually singular ■a very small amount of something 很少量•There's just a hint of brandy in the sauce.酱汁中只有很少的白兰地。 •I detected a hint of doubt in his voice.我察觉到他的语气带些怀疑。 [hɪnt] verb intransitive ADVANCED ■to say or do something that shows, but not directly, what you think or want 暗示•[+ (that)] Mum's hinted (that) she might pay for my trip to Mexico.妈妈暗示她或许可以资助我的墨西哥之行。 •He's hinted at the possibility of moving to America.他暗示过有可能移居美国。 |