arrival [ə'raɪ.vəl] noun ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■when someone or something arrives somewhere 到达;到来;来临•Hundreds gathered to await the boxer's arrival at the airport.数百人聚集在机场等候拳击手的到来。 •On arrival at the police station, they were taken to an interview room.一到警察局,他们就被带到一间问讯室。 •We regret the late arrival of Flight 237.237航班延误,我们对此表示歉意。 •New arrivals (= people who have just come to a place) were being housed in refugee camps.新到的人员被安置在难民营中。 •Sue and Michael are delighted to announce the arrival (= birth) of Emily, born on August 21.苏和麦克于8月21日喜得爱女艾蜜莉,特告亲友。 •The arrival (= introduction) of satellite television changed the face of broadcasting.卫星电视的问世改变了广播的面貌。 countable informal ■a baby which has recently been born 新生婴儿•Their new arrival was keeping them busy.宝宝出生后,他们一直忙得不可开交。 |