highly ['haɪ.li] adverb ABOVE AVERAGE 超过平均水准 ESSENTIAL ■very, to a large degree, or at a high level 非常,极其•a highly paid job高薪工作 •a highly profitable line of products利润非常高的系列产品 •For our country to remain competitive, we need a highly-skilled, highly-educated workforce.为了使我们的国家保持竞争力,我们需要具备高技能、高学历的劳动力。 think/speak highly of sb ■to admire/say admiring things about someone 对(某人)评价很高/对(某人)高度赞扬•He's very highly thought of within the company.他在公司内部得到很高的评价。 ['haɪ.li] adverb IMPORTANT 重要 ■in an important or influential (= having a lot of influence) position 在高处,地位高•According to one highly -placed source, the Prime Minister had threatened to resign over this issue.据一位高级官员透露,首相曾威胁说要为这项议题而辞职。 |