arrangement [ə'reɪndʒ.mənt] noun PLAN 计划 ESSENTIAL countable usually plural ■a plan for how something will happen 安排;筹划;准备(工作)•They'd made all the arrangements for the party.他们为聚会作好了一切准备。 •[+ to infinitive] Arrangements were made to move the prisoners to another jail.已经作出安排将犯人转至另一监狱。 •What are your current child-care arrangements?目前你的孩子怎么照顾? ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■an agreement between two people or groups about how something happens or will happen 商定;约定•[+ that] We had an arrangement that he would clean the house and I would cook.我们定好了,他打扫清洁,我做饭。 •I'm sure we can come to an arrangement (= reach an agreement).我确信我们之间可以达成协议。 •You can only withdraw money from this account by (prior) arrangement (= after making plans to do so) with the bank.你必须和银行(预先)约定,才能从这个帐户取钱。 [ə'reɪndʒ.mənt] noun POSITION 位置 countable ■a group of objects that have been put in a particular order or position 排列,安排•There was a striking arrangement of dried flowers on the table.桌上干花的插花样式非常引人注目。 [ə'reɪndʒ.mənt] noun MUSIC 音乐 countable ■a piece of music that has been changed so that it can be played in a different way, especially by a different instrument 改编曲•This new arrangement of the piece is for saxophone and piano.这首新改编的乐曲是供萨克斯风和钢琴演奏的。 |