argue UK ['ɑ:g.ju:] US ['ɑ:rg-] verb DISAGREE 争执 ESSENTIAL intransitive ■to speak angrily to someone, telling them that you disagree with them 争论;争吵;争辩•The children are always arguing.孩子老是吵个不停。 •Kids, will you stop arguing with each other?孩子们,你们别再吵嘴了好不好? •They were arguing over/about which film to go and see.他们正在争论去看哪部电影。 UK ['ɑ:g.ju:] US ['ɑ:rg-] verb GIVE REASONS 说理 ESSENTIAL intransitive or transitive ■to give the reasons for your opinion, idea, belief, etc. 论证;说理;辩论•The minister argued for/in favour of/against making cuts in military spending.部长提出支持/反对削减军费开支的理由。 •[+ that] The minister argued that cuts in military spending were needed.部长论证了削减军费开支的必要性。 •You can argue the case either way.这件事正说反说都有道理。 ⇒ See also well-argued UK ['ɑ:g.ju:] US ['ɑ:rg-] verb SHOW 显示 transitive ■to show that something is true or exists 显示出;表明•The evidence argues a change in policy.证据显示政策有了变动。 UK ['ɑ:g.ju:] US ['ɑ:rg-] verb argue the toss UK informal disapproving ■to disagree with a decision or statement 唱反调;抬杠•It doesn't matter what you say, he'll always argue the toss!不管你说甚么他都会唱反调! |