grudge [grʌdʒ] noun countable ■a strong feeling of anger and dislike for a person who you feel has treated you badly, which often lasts for a long time 怨恨;嫌隙;积怨•I don't bear any grudge against you.我对你没有丝毫怨恨。 •Philippa still has/holds a grudge against me for refusing to lend her that money.菲莉帕到现在仍对我不借钱给她一事耿耿于怀。 [grʌdʒ] verb transitive ■to not want to spend time or money on someone or something, or to not want to give something to someone 吝惜;勉强地做,勉强地给•She grudged every hour she spent helping him.她很不情愿花时间帮他。 ■to think that someone does not deserve something good that they have 认为…不应得到;忌妒•[+ two objects] I don't grudge you your holiday, it's just that you've chosen a bad time to go.我不是认为你不该去渡假,只是觉得你选的时机不合适。 |