grit [grɪt] noun uncountable STONES 石块 ■very small pieces of stone or sand 砂;沙砾;沙粒•The road had been covered with grit.以前这条路一直铺满沙砾。 [grɪt] noun uncountable BRAVERY 勇敢 ■bravery and determination despite difficulty 勇气;毅力•It takes true (= real) grit to stand up to a bully.面对一个恃强凌弱者奋起反抗确实需要勇气。 [grɪt] noun uncountable FOOD 食物 grits [plural] US ■a dish of hominy grain eaten especially as a morning meal (尤指作为早餐的)粗玉米粉,玉米子 [grɪt] verb transitive (-tt-) ■to put small stones on a road or path which is covered in ice, in order to make it safer (为防滑)在(路面上)撒沙砾•Council lorries had been out gritting the icy roads the night before.政务委员会在第一天夜里派出卡车在结冰的路面上撒了沙砾。 [grɪt] verb transitive (-tt-) grit your teeth ■to press your top and bottom teeth together, often in anger (常指因愤怒而)咬牙切齿•He gritted his teeth in silent fury.他气得咬牙切齿、一言不发。 ■to accept a difficult situation and deal with it in a determined way 咬紧牙关,下定决心(去应付棘手的局面)•We had to grit our teeth and agree with their conditions because we wanted the contract.因为我们想要拿到那份合同,就必须咬牙答应他们的条件。 |