graze [greɪz] verb SURFACE 表面 transitive ■to break the surface of the skin by rubbing against something rough 擦伤,擦破(皮肤)•He fell down and grazed his knee.他摔倒时擦伤了膝盖。 •He was lucky, the bullet just grazed his leg.他很幸运,子弹只是擦伤了他的腿。 transitive ■If an object grazes something, it touches its surface lightly when it passes it 擦过;掠过;蹭•The aircraft's landing gear grazed the treetops as it landed.飞机在降落时,起落架掠过树梢。 [greɪz] verb FOOD 食物 intransitive or transitive ■to (cause animals to) eat grass 放牛;放羊;放牧;吃草•The cows were grazing.乳牛在吃草。 •The farmer grazes cattle on this land in the summer months.农夫夏季在这块地上放牛。 intransitive informal ■to eat small amounts of food many times during the day instead of sitting down to eat meals at particular times 经常吃零食而不吃正餐;吃很多零食•No dinner for me, thanks - I've been grazing all day.多谢,不用做我的晚饭——我整天都在吃零食。 [greɪz] noun countable ■an injury on the surface of your skin caused by rubbing it against something rough 擦伤,擦破(皮肤)•Her legs were covered with cuts and grazes.她腿上满是割伤的伤口和蹭伤。 |