释义 |
grate [greɪt] verb COOKING 烹饪 transitive ■to rub food against a grater (= metal device with sharp holes in it) in order to cut it into a lot of small pieces 磨碎,擦碎(食物)•grated cheese磨碎的起司 [greɪt] verb RUB TOGETHER 摩擦 intransitive ■When two hard objects grate, they rub together, sometimes making a sharp unpleasant sound. 摩擦;发出刺耳的摩擦声 [greɪt] verb ANNOY 使苦恼 intransitive ■When a noise or behaviour grates, it annoys you 使烦恼;使烦躁;使难受•After a while her voice really started to grate on me.过了一会儿,她的聒噪声的确开始让我心烦了。 •It's the way she's always talking about herself - it just grates on me.她总是喋喋不休地说她自己的事情——简直烦死我了。 [greɪt] noun countable ■a metal structure which holds coal or wood in a fireplace (壁炉上的)金属炉架,炉箅 |