grand [grænd] adjective IMPORTANT 重要的 ADVANCED ■important and large in degree 重大的;主要的;首要的•She has all kinds of grand ideas.她脑子里都是些经天纬地的想法。 •His job has a grand title, but he's little more than a clerk.他的工作听起来名堂很大,可他不过是个职员。 [grænd] adjective SPLENDID 壮丽的 ■splendid in style and appearance; attracting admiration and attention 宏伟的,壮丽的;显赫的•The Palace of Versailles is very grand.凡尔赛宫非常宏伟。 •They always entertain their guests in grand style.他们总是举行盛大宴会款待宾客。 ■used in the name of a place or building to show that it is splendid or large (用在地方或建筑物名前表示其规模)大的•the Grand Hotel大饭店 •the Grand Canyon大峡谷 •the Grand Canal大运河 [grænd] adjective EXCELLENT 极好的 old-fashioned informal or Irish English ■excellent; pleasing 极好的,出色的;快乐的,称心的•We had grand weather on our holiday.我们去渡假时的天气很好。 •My grandson is a grand little chap.我孙子是个很了不起的小孩子。 •You've done a grand job.你做得非常好。 [grænd] adjective grand old age ■If a person or animal lives to a grand old age, they live until they are very old 高龄•He lived to the grand old age of 97.他活到97岁高龄。 [grænd] adjective the grand old man of sth humorous ■a man who has been involved in a particular activity for a long time and is known and respected by a lot of people 元老;资深前辈;老前辈•He's been called the grand old man of cricket.他一直被称为板球运动的元老。 [grænd] noun countable (plural grand) MONEY 钱 (US G) informal ■£1000 or $1000 一千英镑;一千美元•John's new car cost him 20 grand!约翰买新车花了两万英镑! [grænd] noun countable (plural grand) INSTRUMENT 乐器 informal for ■grand piano |