grab [græb] verb (-bb-) TAKE WITH HAND 用手抓 ESSENTIAL intransitive or transitive ■to take hold of something or someone suddenly and roughly 攫取;抓住;抓取•A mugger grabbed her handbag as she was walking across the park.她穿过公园时一个劫匪抢了她的手提包。 •He grabbed (hold of) his child's arm to stop her from running into the road.他抓住孩子的手臂防止她跑到路中间去。
[græb] verb (-bb-) TAKE OPPORTUNITY 抓住机会 ADVANCED transitive informal ■to take the opportunity to get, use or enjoy something quickly 抓住,利用(机会做某事);(借机)赶紧…;抢•If you don't grab this opportunity, you might not get another one.如果你不抓住这次机会,可能就没有第二次了。 •We'd better get there early, or someone else will grab the best seats.我们最好早些赶到那里,否则好座位就给别人占了。 •Let's just grab a quick bite.我们先快点吃些东西吧。 [græb] verb (-bb-) How does ... grab you? informal ■used to ask if someone would like to do something or is interested in something 你对…是否感兴趣?•We could have a picnic in the park. How does that grab you?我们可以到公园野餐,你有兴趣吗? [græb] verb (-bb-) Phrasal Verbs grab at sth/sb ■to try to get hold of someone or something quickly, with your hand 试图抓住,试图夺取 [græb] noun countable ■a sudden attempt to hold, get or take something 夺取,抢夺•The two children both made a grab for the same cake.两个孩子都伸手去抢同一块蛋糕。
[græb] noun countable up for grabs ■available and ready to be won or taken 人人都可以争取;供大家争取;提供给任何人•There are hundreds of prizes up for grabs.有几百份奖品等着大家去拿。 |