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单词 give
释义 give
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
 ESSENTIAL  intransitive or transitive
■to offer something to someone, or to provide them with it 送给;提供;赠与;给予
[+ two objects] She gave us a set of saucepans as a wedding present.她送我的结婚礼物是一套深平底锅。
Can you give me a date for another appointment?我能再和您约时间见面吗?
They never gave me a chance/choice.他们从来就没给过我机会/选择余地。
Has the director given you permission to do that?主任允许你那样做吗?
[+ adv/prep] We always try to give to charity.我们总是尽量向慈善机构捐款捐物。
We're collecting for the children's home - please give generously.我们是为儿童福利机构募捐——请慷慨解囊。
The police gave (out) road-safety booklets to the children (= gave them to all the children).警方向孩子们分发道路交通安全的宣传册子。
Please give (up) your seat to an elderly or disabled person if they require it.如果老人或残疾人士需要你让座,请配合。
 ADVANCED  transitive
■to pay someone a particular amount 支付;付(款)
I gave £40 for this pump and it's broken already!这个打气筒花了我40英镑,可它现在就坏了!
give of your money/time, etc. formal
■to give your money, time or best efforts, especially in a way that seems generous (尤指慷慨地)献出金钱/投入时间/付出最大努力
We're very grateful to all the people who have given of their time.我们非常感谢所有付出了宝贵时间的人。
UK She wasn't feeling well, so I don't think she gave of her best tonight.她不太舒服,所以我认为她今晚没有发挥出最佳水准。
give (sth) your all (US also give (sth) your best) old-fashioned
■to put a lot of effort into doing something 全力以赴(做某事);不遗余力(做某事)
We must be finished by tonight, so I want you to give it your all.我们今晚一定要做完,所以我希望你们会全力以赴。
■to tell someone something 告诉;说出;说明
The winner's name was given (out) /They gave the winner's name (out) on the news.获胜者的名字在新闻报导中公布了/新闻报导公布了获胜者的名字。
[+ two objects] Can you give Jo a message for me?你能替我给乔传个口信吗?
■to punish someone by making them go to prison for a particular period 判处(某人监禁)
[+ two objects] If you're found guilty, they'll give you three years.如果你被裁定有罪,他们会判你三年监禁。
■to allow a person or activity a particular amount of time 给…限定期限;限定,规定(时间)
[+ two objects] I'm nearly ready - just give me a couple of minutes.我快准备好了——再给我两三分钟就可以。
transitive informal
■to calculate that something will last a particular amount of time 估计将持续(…时间)
[+ two objects] Look at that old car she's bought - I give it two weeks before it breaks down.看看她买的那辆老爷车吧——我估计两星期就要坏了。
  Common Learner Errors   giveWarning: when talking about giving a physical object, the indirect object can go before or after the direct object.He gave the flowers to his mother.He gave his mother the flowers.When the indirect object comes before the direct object, don't say 'give to someone something', just say give someone something :
He gave to his mother the flowers.Remember: when the object of give is something that you cannot touch, such as advice or an opinion or feeling, the indirect object must come before the direct object.Don't say 'give advice/your opinion/a shock to someone', say give someone advice/your opinion/a shock :
What he said gave an idea to me.What he said gave me an idea.
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to produce or cause something 生产,产生;引起
[+ two objects] The fresh air gave us an appetite (= made us hungry).新鲜的空气令我们胃口大开。
What you said has given me an idea.你的话使我产生了一个想法。
The alarm gave (out) a high-pitched sound.警报器发出一声尖厉的声响。
give sb to understand sth formal
■to tell someone something or cause them to think that something is true 使(某人)知道(某事);使(某人)相信(…确有其事)
I was given to understand she was staying at this hotel.别人告诉我她住在这家饭店。
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
DO 做
 ESSENTIAL  transitive
■to perform an action 做(动作)
[+ two objects] She gave me a smile/strange look.她向我微笑了一下/用奇怪的眼神看了我一眼。
They had to give the car a push to start it.他们只好推着汽车来发动它。
Give me a call/ring (= telephone me) when you get back from holiday.你渡假回来后给我打个电话。
Who is giving the speech/lecture/concert?谁要讲演/作报告/举行音乐会?
 ADVANCED  transitive
■to organize a party, meal, etc 举办,举行
They're always giving parties.他们老是举办聚会。
The ambassador is giving a banquet for the visiting president.大使将举办宴会欢迎来访的总统。
give sth a go
■to attempt something 尝试,试做
Only a few people are successful as sports professionals, but it's worth giving it a go.只有极少数职业运动员能取得成功,但却很值得去尝试一下。
transitive + two objects formal
■to state publicly that everyone present at a formal occasion, especially a meal, should drink a toast to someone (= have a drink in honour of someone) (尤指在正式宴会上)提议为(某人)干杯
Gentlemen, I give you the Queen!先生们,为女王干杯!
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
■If something gives, it stretches, bends or breaks, or becomes less firm or tight, under pressure (在压力下)伸长,弯曲,断裂,变松
The rope gave under/with the weight of the load.装载的东西太重,绳子断了。
The shoes will give a little after you've worn them once or twice.鞋穿过一两次后就不那么紧了。
figurative You can't work so hard all the time - something will have to give (= change).你不能总是不分昼夜地拼命工作——会出事的。
figurative Suddenly her patience gave (out) and she shouted crossly at the children.她突然失去了耐心,向孩子们怒吼起来。
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
[T + obj + adj] UK
■in some sports, to decide and state officially that a player or the ball is in a particular condition or place 裁定,判(球员或球所处的位置)
The umpire gave the batsman out.裁判员判打击手出局。
The ball was clearly out, but the line judge gave it in.球明显出界,但是边裁却判定是界内球。
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
Don't give me that! informal
■don't expect me to believe that, because I know it is untrue (表示不相信)别跟我来这一套!别以为我会相信你!
"But I was going to let you have it tomorrow." "Don't give me that!"“但我本来打算明天把它给你的。”“别跟我来这一套!”
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
give as good as you get
■to be strong and confident enough to treat people in the same way that they treat you, especially in an argument or a fight (尤指在争论或打斗中)针锋相对,以眼还眼,以牙还牙
There's a lot of teasing and fighting among the crew, and you have to be able to give as good as you get.船员们会经常互相挑衅打斗,你一定要以牙还牙。
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
give or take
■possibly a little more or less than the amount or time mentioned 相差不到…,出入至多…
It'll be ready at six, give or take a few minutes.六点就会准备好,顶多相差几分钟。
It cost £200, give or take.它的价格为200英镑,出入不会太大。
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
Give me... any day/every time! informal
■used to say that you always like or prefer a particular thing 我宁愿要…!我更喜欢…!我宁可选择…!
This new stuff is all very well, but give me the old-style weather forecast any day!这种新玩意倒也不错,但是我还是更喜欢以前的天气预报方式。
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
give way  ADVANCED  UK
■to allow other vehicles to go past before you move onto a road 让(其他车辆)先行
You have to give way to traffic coming from the right.你要让右边驶来的车辆先行。
■to break, especially when under pressure from strong forces (尤指在很大的压力下)坍塌,垮掉
Because of an unusually strong current, the bridge's central support gave way, tipping a coach into the river.因为遭遇罕见的湍急洪流的冲击,桥中心的支座坍塌,一辆长途客车被掀进了河里。
■to stop arguing or fighting against someone or something 让步;屈服
Neither of them will give way, so they could be arguing for a very long time.他们两个谁也不会让步,所以他们会吵好长时间。
Don't give way to your fears.不要怕。
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
give sb what for old-fashioned informal
■to tell off someone whose behaviour you strongly disapprove of 严厉斥责(某人)
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
given the chance/choice (also given half a chance)
■if I were allowed to, or if I could choose 要是允许我这样做的话;要是让我选择的话
Given the chance, I'd spend all day reading.要是让我选,我会把一整天时间都用来读书。
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
what I wouldn't give for sth (also what wouldn't I give for sth)
■used to say that you want something very much 很想得到;渴望得到
What I wouldn't give for a cold drink!我多想来杯冷饮啊!
[gɪv] verb (gave, given)
I would give anything/a lot (also I would give my eye teeth/right arm)
■used to say that you would like to have or to do something very much 愿意付出一切(得到某物或做某事)
I'd give anything to see the Taj Mahal.谁要是能助我去参观泰姬陵,他要甚么我都愿意给。
■2. Janice would give her eye teeth for a house like that.give 1




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