gap [gæp] noun HOLE 孔 ESSENTIAL countable ■an empty space or opening in the middle of something or between two things 缺口;豁口;裂口•The children squeezed through a gap in the wall.孩子们从墙的一个缺口处硬挤了过去。 •She has a small gap between her front teeth.她的门牙之间有条细缝。 gap in the market countable ■an opportunity for a product or service that does not already exist 市场空白•There is a gap in the magazine market that needs to be filled.在杂志市场上还有一个缺口需要填补。 [gæp] noun DIFFERENCE 不同 IMPROVER countable usually singular ■a difference between two things 差距;分歧;隔阂•The gap between rich and poor is still widening (= becoming greater).贫富差距仍在继续拉大。 IMPROVER countable usually singular ■a period of time spent doing something different (时间上的)间断,间隔,间隙•After a gap of five years, Jennifer decided to go back to work full-time.时隔五年之后,珍妮花决定回去做全职工作。 [gæp] noun bridge a/the gap ■to connect two things or to make the difference between them smaller 弥合差距;弥补隔阂;消除差异•Mr Clinton singled out education as a vital tool in bridging the gap between rich and poor.克林顿先生首推教育为消除贫富差距的重要途径。 •This collection of stories bridges the gap between history and fiction.这部短篇小说集融合了历史和虚构文学。 |