gambit ['gæm.bɪt] noun countable CLEVER ACTION 聪明的行为 ■a clever action in a game or other situation which is intended to achieve an advantage and usually involves taking a risk 精心策划的一招;(常指带有风险的)策略;险招•Her clever opening gambit gave her an early advantage.她开局就出险招,抢占了先机。 •Their promise to lower taxes is clearly an election-year gambit.他们降低税收的承诺很显然是大选年的策略。 ■specialized ■a way of beginning a game of chess , in which you intentionally lose a pawn (= game piece) in order to win some other form of advantage later (国际象棋中开局时牺牲一卒以取得优势的)开局让棋法 ['gæm.bɪt] noun countable REMARK 话 ■a remark that you make to someone in order to start a conversation 开场白•"I hear you're a friend of Jamie's," was her opening gambit.“我听说你是杰米的朋友,”她搭讪道。 |