furious UK ['fjʊə.ri.əs] US ['fjɝ:.i-] adjective ANGRY 愤怒的 IMPROVER ■extremely angry 极其生气,怒不可遏•I was late and he was furious with me.我迟到了,他冲我大发脾气。 •He's furious about/at the way he's been treated.他因自己受到这样的对待而大发雷霆。 •We had a furious row last night.我们昨晚吵了个天翻地覆。 UK ['fjʊə.ri.əs] US ['fjɝ:.i-] adjective STRONG 强烈的 ■using a lot of effort or strength 强烈的;激烈的•There is a furious struggle going on between the two presidential candidates.两位总统竞选人之间进行着激烈的争斗。 •He set off running at a furious pace.他出发时猛跑了一阵。 |