flame [fleɪm] noun FIRE 火 IMPROVER countable or uncountable ■burning gas (from something on fire) which produces usually yellow light 火焰;火舌•The flames grew larger as the fire spread.火势蔓延,火焰越来越高。 •The car flipped over and burst into flames (= started burning immediately).汽车翻了,顿时起火烧了起来。 •When the fire engine arrived the house was already in flames (= burning).消防车赶到时,房屋已是一片火海。 [fleɪm] noun EMOTION 情感 countable literary ■a powerful feeling 强烈的感情;激情•Flames of passion swept through both of them.他们俩一时间激情澎湃。 ⇒ See also old flame [fleɪm] noun COMPUTING 使用电脑 countable slang ■an angry or offensive email 含辱骂内容的电子邮件;无礼邮件•flame wars电子邮件辱骂大战 [fleɪm] noun go up in flames ■to burn or be destroyed by fire 燃起大火;毁于大火中•The factory went up in flames.工厂毁于大火之中。 ■to be damaged or destroyed 毁于一旦,受到重创•His career went up in flames when he was jailed for theft.他因为偷窃而被判入狱,事业受到了重创。 [fleɪm] verb BURN 燃烧 intransitive literary ■to burn (more) brightly (更明亮地)燃烧•The fire flamed cozily in the hearth.壁炉里的火暖烘烘地燃烧着。 •The fire suddenly flamed (up).突然火着起来了。 [fleɪm] verb EMOTION 情感 intransitive literary ■If an emotion flames, you feel it suddenly and strongly (感情)爆发•Seeing the damage made hatred flame within her.看到损毁的情况,她心头燃起了仇恨之火。 intransitive literary ■to suddenly become hot and red with emotion (因激动而)变红•His face flamed (red) with anger.他气得脸通红。 [fleɪm] verb COMPUTING 使用电脑 transitive slang ■to send an angry or insulting email 发送辱骂资讯•Please don't flame me if you disagree with this message.如果您不同意此资讯的内容,也请不要给我发送恶意回信。 |