feeling ['fi:.lɪŋ] noun PHYSICAL SENSE 感官 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■when you feel something physical (感官的)感觉•I had a tingling feeling in my fingers.我手指感到刺痛。 •I've got this strange feeling in my stomach.我的胃里有种怪怪的感觉。 •My toes were so cold that I'd lost all feeling in them.我的脚趾冻得完全失去知觉了。 ['fi:.lɪŋ] noun EMOTION 情绪 ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■emotion 感情;感触;情绪•The feeling of loneliness suddenly overwhelmed him.一种孤独感突然涌上他的心头。 •There's a feeling of dissatisfaction with the government.存在着对政府的不满情绪。 •[+ that] I got the feeling that I was not welcome.我感觉到我不受欢迎。 •Her performance seemed to me completely lacking in feeling.在我看来她的表演完全缺乏感情。 feelings [plural] ADVANCED ■emotions, especially those influenced by other people (尤指受他人影响而产生的)情感,感情•Some people say that dogs have feelings.有人说狗是有感情的。 •I wanted to spare his feelings (= not to upset him) , so I didn't tell him what she'd said about him.我不想惹他难受,所以没告诉他她是怎么说他的。 ['fi:.lɪŋ] noun OPINION 意见 IMPROVER countable ■opinion 意见•My feeling is that we had better act quickly or it will be too late.我的意见是我们最好快点行动,否则就太迟了。 ['fi:.lɪŋ] noun bad feeling UK (US bad feelings) ■when people are upset or angry with each other 恶感;不满;反感•I'd like to complain to the neighbours about the noise, but I don't want to cause any bad feeling (between us).我想去向邻居抱怨太吵了,但又不想(在我们之间)闹出任何不愉快。 ['fi:.lɪŋ] noun hurt sb's feelings ■to upset someone by criticizing them or by refusing something that they have offered you 伤害(某人)的感情 |