examination [ɪgˌzæm.ɪ'neɪ.ʃən] noun ESSENTIAL countable or uncountable ■when someone looks at or considers something carefully in order to discover something 检查;审查;调查•a post-mortem examination验尸 •I had to have/undergo a medical examination when I started my pension scheme.在启动养老金计划之前,我要进行一次体检。 •The evidence is still under examination (= being examined).仍然在对那些证据进行调查。 •I thought it was paint at first, but on closer examination I realised it was dried blood.一开始我以为是油漆,但仔细一看,才意识到那是干掉的血迹。 countable formal ■an exam 考试 |