evident ['ev.ɪ.dənt] slightly formal adjective ADVANCED ■easily seen or understood; obvious 显然易见的;明白的,明显的•The full extent of the damage only became evident the following morning.直到第二日早上,人们才全面了解到破坏程度有多严重。 •From the smell it was evident that the drains had been blocked for several days.散发出的气味证明下水道显然已经被堵塞好几天了。 •Harry's courage during his illness was evident to everyone.生病期间哈利表现出的勇气大家有目共睹。 •Her love for him was evident in all that she did.她所做的一切都清楚地表明她爱他。 ⇒ See also self-evident |