animation [ˌæn.ɪ'meɪ.ʃən] noun ENERGY 活力 uncountable ■enthusiasm and energy 生气;活泼;热烈•She spoke with great animation about her latest discoveries.她兴致盎然地谈了她最新的发现。 [ˌæn.ɪ'meɪ.ʃən] noun IMAGE 图像 countable or uncountable ■moving pictures 动画;动画片•Encyclopedias on CD-ROM include sound, illustrations and simple animations.光碟电子百科全书里有声音、插图和简单的动画。 •Thanks to computer animation, it is now possible to make cartoon films much more quickly than in the past.有了电脑动画制作技术,现在制作动画片比过去快多了。 |