enterprise UK ['en.tə.praɪz] US [-tˌɚ-] noun BUSINESS 企业 IMPROVER countable or uncountable ■an organization, especially a business, or a difficult and important plan, especially one that will earn money 组织;(尤指)公司,企业;(尤指营利性的、艰巨而重大的)计划,事业•Don't forget this is a commercial enterprise - we're here to make money.不要忘记这是一个商业组织——我们到这儿来是为了赚钱的。 •Those were the years of private enterprise (= businesses being run privately, rather than by the government) , when lots of small businesses were started.那是一个私人企业的时代,许多小公司就是那时创建的。 •Her latest enterprise (= plan) is to climb Mount Everest.她最新的雄心壮志是攀登圣母峰。 UK ['en.tə.praɪz] US [-tˌɚ-] noun PERSONAL QUALITY 个人素质 ADVANCED uncountable ■eagerness to do something new and clever, despite any risks 事业心;进取心;创业精神;冒险精神•They've showed a lot of enterprise in setting up this project.开始这个案子显示出他们豪迈的进取精神。 •We need someone with enterprise and imagination to design a marketing strategy.我们需要一位元有进取心和创新精神的人来为我们制定市场战略。 |