abstention [æb'sten.tʃən] noun NOT VOTE 不投票 countable or uncountable ■when someone chooses not to vote in favour of or against someone or something 弃权•There were high levels of abstention (from voting) in the last elections.上次选举中,有很多人(投票时)弃权。 •There were ten votes in favour, six against, and three abstentions.10票赞成,6票反对,3票弃权。 [æb'sten.tʃən] noun NOT DO 不做 uncountable formal ■not doing something, such as drinking alcohol or having sex 戒除,节制(如饮酒,性行为等方面)•Abstention from alcohol is essential while you are taking this medication.服用这种药物期间,一定要戒酒。 |