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游戏 无人深空MOD制作工具 v2.0
分类 工具补丁
语言 简体中文
大小 456 KB
介绍     无人深空MOD制作工具 v2.0 百战百金碧辉煌银鹰展翅胜5. 那些痛苦,那些忧伤,那些无奈,都丰富了文字的内涵,而文字成了心灵的一种安慰与寄托。be faced with 面临105.韩信将兵,多多益善。
    无人深空MOD制作工具,用來反编译游戏目录下的 GAMEDATA\\PCBANKS 的PAK文件(实际是PSARC文件)。也可以用来做MOD,将制作后的MOD用这工具打包成PAK文件,将打包后的PAK文件放到游戏目录下的 GAMEDATA\\PCBANKS 文件夹下会自动加载MOD。

    把 BatchExporter.bat 和 psarc 放在同一文件夹,用记事本打开BatchExporter.bat,
    修改SET gameDir=C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Steam\\steamapps\\common\\No Man\'s Sky 为 SET gameDir=(你的游戏路径)
    修改SET extractDir=C:\\NMSextractedFiles 为 SET extractDir=(游戏文件解压目录)
    4、PCBanks-data-file-reference-sheet.zip为PCBANKS 数据文件参考表

    psarc verb [options] [file...]
    psarc --xml=XMLFILE
    create -Create an archive. (default)
    extract Extract contents of an existing archive.
    list List contents of an existing archive.
    dump Print detailed info about archive for unit testing.
    verify Verify an existing archive\'s structural integrity and
    ensure that all files can be decompressed.
    dtd Display a DTD describing psarc\'s XML input syntax.
    general options:
    -h, --help Show this help message and exit.
    --version Display version and exit.
    -d, --debug Debug: Show debug messages.
    -v, --verbose Verbose: Show additional progress. (default)
    -q, --quiet Quiet: Don\'t show any progress.
    -y, --overwrite Overwrite existing files when creating/extracting.
    --xml=XMLFILE XML list of actions to perform.
    create options:
    -oFILE, --output=FILE Archive filename to create.
    -IINPUTFILE, --inputfile=INPUTFILE
    Inputfile listing files to archive. Consider
    --xml instead, which gives you more control.
    -m, --mself Create a PSARC-MSELF hybrid file for PS3, which can contain
    encrypted special files like SDATA, SPRX, and SPU SELF.
    --zlib Use zlib when compressing. (default)
    --lzma Use LZMA when compressing. (usually for PS3 PSN)
    --level=N Compression quality. 1 is fastest, 9 is best. (default = 9)
    -N, --nocompress Sto36. 这漫长又精彩的一生,我只想和你慢慢过完,让每一份回忆都在旧日的尘埃下闪闪发亮。re all files uncompressed in the archive.
    -bBS, --blocksize=BS Use blocks of size BS. (default = 64KiB)
    -jJOBS, --jobs=JOBS Compression threads to run at a time. (default = number of CPUs)
    -sREGEX, --strip=REGEX Perl-compatible regex specifying a prefix to strip
    from the pathnames stored in the archive. This may be
    specified more than once. (default = current dir)
    -S, --strip-all Strip all paths from files stored in the archive.
    -a, --absolute Make the paths within the archive absolute.
    -R, --relative Make the paths within the archive relative. (default)
    -i, --ignorecase Make the archive directory case-insensitive.
    --exclude=WILDCARD Wildcard specifying files to exclude.
    --skip-missing-files If set then ignore it when a file cannot be found.
    --mergedups Compare the content of all files, and merge identical
    files so that only one copy of the data is included.
    extract options:
    --input=FILE Archive to extract files from. (default is first file argument)
    --to=DIRECTORY Directory to write extracted files to. (default is current directory)
        多情自古伤离别,更那堪、冷落清秋节!今宵酒醒何处?杨柳岸、晓风残月。此去经年,应是良辰好景虚设。便纵有千种风情,更与何人说?041李白:子夜四时歌:秋歌无人深空MOD制作工具,无人深空MOD制作工具下载,无人深空Americans may not have achieved equality, but at least they aspire to it, which is more than many other nations can claim.




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