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软件 PDF加密小工具 v1.0
分类 安全软件
语言 简体中文
大小 9.4MB
介绍     PDF加密小工具 v1.0 人山人海孜花红柳绿孜不倦49. 爱是什么?不同的人不同的事物不同的角度有不同的答案。孩子说,爱是妈妈的怀抱,踏实,温暖;青年人说,爱是激情燃烧的岁月;老年人说,爱是执子之手,白头偕老的相伴;风说,爱是微风拂过的新绿;雨说,爱是润物无声的节拍;云说,爱是蓝天的自在包容;草说,爱是对大地三春晖的报答;时间说,爱是世间美好事物的永恒;我说,爱是生活永远的主题歌!I suggest the department concerned taking some effective measures to improve the present situation.21.凡事预则立,不预则废。
    # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
    # ☯ Author: ChinaPython
    # ☯ Date : 2021/9/16 19:01
    import os
    import PySimpleGUI as sg
    from PyPDF2 import PdfFileWriter
    from PyPDF2 import PdfFileReader
    class EncryptTool:
    def __init__(self):
    self.layout = [
    sg.InputText(do_not_clear=True, default_text="默认:admin", text_color='gray', key='psw_a', size=(17, 1)),
    sg.InputText(do_not_clear=True, default_text="默认:admin", text_color='gray', key='psw_b', size=(17, 1)),
    sg.Input(do_not_clear=True, default_text='选择需要转换的PDF文件(默认同路径)', text_color='gray', key='path'),
    sg.FileBrowse(button_text='选择文件', key='file'),
    sg.Input(do_not_clear=True, default_text='转换后PDF文件19. 别把哀伤挂在嘴上,每个人都有自己的故事。活着不是为了怀念昨天,而是要等待希望,让大家都看到你的坚强。离开他你也可以过得很好。存储路径', text_color='gray', key='path2'),
    sg.FolderBrowse(button_text='输出目录', key='folder'),
    [sg.Text(text="", size=(48, 4), background_color="white", text_color="red", key="msg")],
    [sg.Button(button_text='开始加密', key='start', size=(48, 2))],
    self.window = sg.Window('PDF加密小工具(吾爱破解论坛)', self.layout, icon='icon.ico')
    def __encrypt(unencrypted_pdf, read_password, encrypted_pdf=None, owner_password=None):
    unencrypted_pdf = "加密_" + unencrypted_pdf if encrypted_pdf is None else unencrypted_pdf
    owner_password = owner_password if owner_password is None else owner_password
    content = PdfFileReader(unencrypted_pdf)
    writer = PdfFileWriter()
    [writer.addPage(content.getPage(page)) for page in range(content.getNumPages())]
    writer.encrypt(user_pwd=read_password, owner_pwd=owner_password, use_128bit=False)
    with open(encrypted_pdf, 'wb') as out:
    return os.path.exists(encrypted_pdf)
    except Exception as e:
    return e
    # 运行入口
    def run(self):
    while True:
    event, values = self.window.Read()
    if event == 'start':
    a, b, c, d = values['psw_a'], values['psw_b'], values['path'], values['path2']
    if os.path.exists(c) is False or str(c).lower().endswith(".pdf") is False:
    a = "admin" if "默认:" in a or len(a) == 0 else a
    b = "admin" if "默认:" in b or len(b) == 0 else b
    filepath, filename = os.path.split(c)
    d = f"{d}/加密_{filename}" if os.path.isdir(d) is True else f"{filepath}/加密_{filename}"
    msg = self.__encrypt(c, a, d, b)
    if msg is not True:
    f"阅览密码:{a} 编辑密码:{b} 目标文件:{c} 输出文件:{d}"
    if event is None:
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    start = EncryptTool()
        唐多令 刘过苦心岂免容蝼蚁?香叶终经宿鸾凤。PDF加密小工具Thus, the author unfairly assumes that highly - rated public television programs are necessarily widely viewed, or popular.




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