介绍 |
Android Transfer for PC(安卓手机数据传输软件)是一款用于在智能手机和PC之间传输数据的软件,可以安装应用程序和文件传输到您的Android设备。软件是适用于想要在手机和电脑之间传输信息的安卓用户,使用简单,功能使用,赶快下载吧!  软件特色 Android Transfer for PC connects your mobile phone to your computer. This utility is quite useful for those who want to keep ther information organized, its use is pretty simple, and the only thing you will need is a USB connection on your PC. Media files like photos, music, videos on your local disk can be loaded into your device via this program. Install Apps on your phone through desktop computer with one simple click. The interface is also very intuitive and allows you to easily use any function you are looking for. Compatible with almost all popular brands of Android device, including Samsung, HTC, Motorola, Sony, LG, etc. All software are full version and FREE! 只需要一个USB就可以将你的一些媒体,就可以实现文件传输 软件功能界面展示很简单,能让你很轻松就能找到你需要功能。 兼容几乎所有的Android设备,流行的品牌包括三星、HTC、摩托罗拉、索尼、LG等。 软件完全免费的 |